Vatican News
The Pope video: Education is a hope for everyone
Education is a hope for everyone
“Today we’re experiencing an ‘educational catastrophe.’ This is no exaggeration. Due to wars, migration, and poverty, some 250 million boys and girls lack education,” noted Pope Francis in his message for the January prayer intention - For the right to an education.
In “The Pope Video”, Pope Francis draws attention to a matter he considers fundamental: education as an inalienable right for every child and young person, “regardless of their immigration status,” as well as an essential tool in fighting social marginalization.
“Education is a hope for everyone – it can save migrants and refugees from discrimination, criminal networks, and exploitation…. So many minors are exploited! It can help them integrate into the communities who host them. Education opens the doors to a better future,” says the Pontiff in his appeal.
The Pope calls on everyone to work for the right to be respected and guaranteed for all, “that is necessary to build a more human world.”
The International Union of Superiors General (UISG) is committed to the right to education. Many religious sisters around the world work as teachers, run schools, and are engaged in educating children and youth, especially in some of the poorest and most vulnerable regions. The UISG-USG Education Commission promotes education through formation initiatives for religious congregations on relevant educational themes.
More information can be found at https://www.uisg.org/en/commissions/education/.
"The Pope Video" is one of the key initiatives of the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network, a pontifical foundation guided by the Jesuits that promotes the Holy Father's prayer intentions worldwide. Every month, the Pope shares his reflections on global issues, inviting the faithful to join in prayer for social and humanitarian causes.
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