UISG Bulletin
With the UISG BULLETIN, we wish to offer to the Superiors General and to all our members some reflections on religious life based on Sacred Scripture, theology and spirituality, with the aim of contributing to a better knowledge of consecrated life and its evolution in worldwide.
It is published three times a year in the digital format and is available in seven languages: French, English, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, German.
The Bulletin is reserved to the subscribers only and is published in the Reserved Area of the UISG website:
- The Superiors General are able to access the Reserved Area using their credentials (UISG code+password).
If they do not have them, they can write to: assis.tec@uisg.org, specifying your UISG code. - All other subscribers, not UISG members, have to register using the CODE NUMBER of their subscription and a password of their choice at this link: click here.
If they do not have them, they can write to: assis.tec@uisg.org.
The Bulletin is available to the UISG members and subscribers in all the 7 languages in which it is published.
Subscriptions can be renewed online by clicking here or by bank transfer by clicking here.
Annual subscription fee
50 U$ or 45 Euro
For information contact:
Antonietta Rauti – UISG Bulletin Director
Piazza di Ponte Sant’Angelo, 28 – 00186 Rome – Italy
bollettino@uisg.org – + 39 06 684002 32
UISG Bulletin 185: Embracing and transforming conflicts to grow in synodality
The Synod on Synodality (2021-2024) has implemented a synodal process that has the audacious goal of providing an opportunity for the whole people of God to discern together what steps to take to be a truly synodal and missionary Church, in the three dimensions of Communion, Participation and Mission.
The challenge is to create a Church of communion, open to all, without verticality and clericalism. All of us, both lay and consecrated people, are called to contribute to the realization of this dream, while knowing the inevitable tensions that affect every human reality.
To grow in synodality and true mutual listening, where everyone’s voice is welcomed and heard, we must take these tensions into account and learn to deal with conflicts. Not to get trapped in them, but to transform them into something “constructive and transformative.”
As Pope Francis says: “Conflict cannot be ignored or concealed. It has to be faced. But if we remain trapped in conflict, we lose our perspective, our horizons shrink and reality itself begins to fall apart. In the midst of conflict, we lose our sense of the profound unity of reality. When conflict arises, some people simply look at it and go their way as if nothing happened; they wash their hands of it and get on with their lives. Others embrace it in such a way that they become its prisoners; they lose their bearings, project onto institutions their own confusion and dissatisfaction and thus make unity impossible. But there is also a third way, and it is the best way to deal with conflict. It is the willingness to face conflict head on, to resolve it and to make it a link in the chain of a new process. Blessed are the peacemakers!” (Mt 5:9) (Pope Francis, Evangelii gaudium, 226-227)
This Bulletin is reserved to Superiors General and Subscribers. To access the Bulletin, please click here.
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