

Unpacking the Illusions of the Green Economy in the Energy Transition

Unpacking the Illusions of the Green Economy in the Energy Transition




The JPIC Commission USG-UISG cordially invites you to participate in the second webinar of our series. This session will critically explore the undesirable consequences of the ongoing Energy Transition, specifically the rising mining activities associated with renewable energy components. The extraction of minerals for solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries is causing significant social and environmental impacts. By challenging the simplistic view of the climate crisis as a mere substitution of energy sources, our discussion will underscore the urgent need for climate justice, advocating for transformative lifestyle changes and a new economic paradigm. 



14 December 2023, from 3pm to 5pm (Rome Time)



English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese.


Link to register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/L6X6DQF 

If you need more information, please contact jpicroma@gmail.com