

Nonviolence and the Environment


Webinar: Nonviolence and the Environment: A Covenant between Human Beings and the Environment


September 30,  2 pm to 4 pm (Rome time)


Direct access link (Zoom): bit.ly/SeasonOfCreation2022

Meeting ID: 812 5501 2470 (2022)


Webinar languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French

"There is a need for a covenant between human beings and the environment." 
(Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation 1 September 2022)

Join us for a time of reconciliation, petition and celebration.

Conflicts arise from destruction of the environment and disasters are increasing due to climate change and biodiversity loss. We will be reflecting on the importance of the practice of nonviolence with the seven LSAP goals and move to a deeper understanding of what it means to listen to all of our sisters and brothers in creation.  

The webinar is co-sponsored by Pax Christi’s Catholic Nonviolence Initiative, LISTEN and Sowing Hope for the Planet


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