The UISG Launches the Logo of the Plenary Assembly, Representing Transforming Hope
The UISG Launches the Logo of the Plenary Assembly, Representing Transforming Hope
Today, on the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, we also celebrate the World Day for Consecrated Life, a special occasion to reflect on the beauty and depth of the lives of many men and women who, in every corner of the world, respond to God’s call. This day invites us to renew our commitment to consecration, strengthening our hope in a world that deeply needs authentic and transforming testimonies of faith.
In this context of prayer and reflection, we are pleased to present the new logo for the upcoming UISG Plenary Assembly, which will take place from May 5 to 9, 2025.

The logo represents the theme chosen for this Assembly: “Consecrated Life: A Hope that Transforms.” In this visual symbol, we can recognize the image of people, particularly the sisters of female religious institutes, who are transformed or allow themselves to be (re)formed by Hope, like small flames ready to be light for humanity. Every color used in the logo evokes the universality and diversity of the charisms and gifts that religious women offer to the Church and our communities, enriching the ecclesial body with their dedication.
This hope, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, nourishes our spiritual life and brings with it continuous renewal and change. Although we cannot see the origin of this hope, the image gradually fades upwards, inviting us to believe that the transforming strength that sustains us comes from God, the true source of hope.
The theme and logo chosen for the Plenary Assembly are also connected to the 2025 Ordinary Jubilee, whose theme is “Pilgrims of Hope.” Indeed, hope is also a theological virtue that makes us transforming pilgrims, guiding us along the path of life and leading us ever onward, trusting that only Goodness has the final word in our existence.
Our Assembly, like the Jubilee, will be a moment of grace and living hope for all of us, on the path of faith and service we are called to walk.
We hope that this Holy Year and our Triennial Assembly will truly be a sign of hope for the whole Church, for as Scripture reminds us, “hope does not disappoint” (Romans 5:5).
Sr Gracy Medical
Nidia Azucena Cisneros Duriettz
Os felicito por e logotipo de la Asamblea de la UISG, va en concordancia con el lema central y el año jubilar. Gracias por vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación. Bendiciones de corazón.
Nidia Azucena Cisneros Duriettz
Os felicito por e logotipo de la Asamblea de la UISG, va en concordancia con el lema central y el año jubilar. Gracias por vuestro esfuerzo y dedicación. Bendiciones de corazón.
Amelia Encarnación Rodriguez
Muy bonito y significativo el logo. El Señor que nos habita nos convierte en humildes servidoras de esperanza en nuestro mundo, y la esperanza tiene un nombre: JESUS
Mercedes Dominguez
Hermoso logo
Lilia Dominguez
Complimenti, un logo molto significativo, possa il Signore concederci il dono della speranza che non delude per poter essere segni di speranza per gli altri
Sister Pushpa Teresa Gomes
This logo is inspiring!
Sister Pushpa Teresa Gomes
This logo is inspiring!
Sister Pushpa Teresa Gomes
This logo is inspiring!
Maria da Conceição Ribeiro
Benissimo o logo e o tema da nossa assembleia plenária trienal. E ainda considero muito importante esta assembleia ter incluido o espirito eclesial que estamos a viver com o ano jubilar. Parabéns.
Me llena de gozo el encuentro y el proceso de transformación que vamos haciendo. Gracias.
Mª Mercedes
Precioso el logo de la próxima asamblea. Llamadas a ser signos de esperanza, transformando para bien la vida de las personas, acompañándolas, consolándolas y animándolas. Oraciones
Brigid Murphy
Beautiful logo, simple and meaningful. Thank you
Sr. Daisy kachappilly
Auguri a tutte per un cammino formativo di speranza
Agnes Njume
The logo looks joyful and affects others around the sisters. That's what we are meant to be.. I like it.
Rose Marie Jasinski, CBS
Beautiful, inspiring and hopeful logo! Thank you!