The Church’s Commitment Against Human Trafficking
The Church’s Commitment Against Human Trafficking
"I argue that young people play an important role in the use of their voice to act against the scourge of human trafficking"
Young representative of the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking
Yesterday, February 6, at the Parish of St. Lucia in Rome, the Ecumenical Vigil of Prayer in Italian and English "Walking towards Dignity" took place. The parish is located in the Prati district, an area of the capital where, last year in November, three prostitutes were brutally murdered.
Therefore, the choice of the church for this moment of reflection is very symbolic. Some of the multiconfessional communities present in the city also joined the Vigil. The common prayer opened the week that will culminate on Wednesday, February 8 - World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Trafficking in Persons.
On this day, the online pilgrimage promoted by the International Union of Superiors General and the Union of Superiors General with the coordination of Talitha Kum International, will take place.

"The first stage of our journey invites us to look at and listen to those who suffer in the darkness of human trafficking. Let us approach with respect and sensitivity those who suffer, a fundamental step to make this reality emerge, to overcome individualism, to discover the strength of the 'we'" – we heard during the Vigil.
The prayer also included short stories of victims of trafficking and testimonies: "the great challenge for girls is to trust us and our challenge is to trust God by entering gently and lovingly into the lives of others. Beyond our convents there is an infinite reality in which God is calling us to operate," said Sr. Carla Venditti of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, member of the Antitrafficking Network of Usmi, who shared the example of the opening of the doors of the convent where she lived to the girls victims of exploitation.
The 15 young representatives of the partner organizations of the Day Against Trafficking, were also present at the service. Most of them arrived in Rome just yesterday and began what has been called an "inner pilgrimage".
The group of young representatives, protagonists of this ninth edition, to mark their participation, renewed their commitment against trafficking and launched an important week that will involve them in many events and training sessions.
The week will end on Sunday 12 February with the Angelus in St Peter’s Square with the participation of the international delegation of young people and all those who wish to join.
"The flame of dignity remains always burning, even in inhuman conditions."
UISG Communication Office
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