The expectation and certainty of a new birth
The expectation and certainty of a new birth
As announced in recent weeks, the XXIII UISG Plenary Assembly will be held from 5 to 9 May 2025 in Rome at the Ergife Palace Hotel and the theme chosen is ‘Consecrated Life: a hope that transforms.'
We asked the sisters for a personal reflection on the theme of hope: what does ‘hope that transforms’ mean? How does hope transform the sisters' daily lives? What are their hopes related to the upcoming Assembly?
We share with you the testimony of Sr. Nazha El Khoury, Superior General of the Antonine Sisters.
A "hope that transforms" means the real acceptance of a profound change from within that could lead to a lasting journey through suffering and pain, but in the expectation and certainty of a new birth according to the will of the Lord.
Hope gives me inner peace and deepens my conviction that the Lord is the Master of our lives and of our future. It gives me the strength to accept reality and to act in daily life according to the Lord's will, with an eye to the future.
My hopes for the next UISG Plenary Assembly are: to share experiences related to real transformations and to build relationships based on mutual support and spiritual, cultural and economic proximity.
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