

XXIII UISG Plenary Assembly

XXIII UISG Plenary Assembly

The President and the Executive Board are pleased to invite the members of UISG to attend the XXIII Plenary Assembly which will take place from the 5th to the 9th of May 2025 in Rome at the Ergife Palace Hotel. 

The Plenary Assembly is one of the most important events in the Union's life. It represents a unique opportunity for the Superiors General of religious Institutes/Congregations from around the world to come together, engage in dialogue, and reflect on the theme of consecrated life at the international level.

Gathering in Rome every three years, the Plenary Assembly represents the UISG's organ for consultation, organization and reflection. 


Consecrated Life: A Hope that Transforms

The theme for the XXIII Assembly is: “Consecrated Life: A Hope that Transforms”
In announcing the 2025 Assembly, the President Sr. Mary Barron, ola said: 
“Our Assembly, coinciding with the 2025 Jubilee, and the 60th Anniversary of the founding of UISG, offers us the opportunity as worldwide women religious congregation leaders, to be Pilgrims of Hope together. Excitement is already building at the prospect of gathering to reflect together on how consecrated life is or can be the hope that transforms our world. The testimonies of sisters, walking with their communities in seemingly hopeless situations, will ground our reflections and our commitments in the concrete reality of today’s world.”

An opportunity for encounter and renewal

The Plenary Assembly is also an important opportunity for the Superiors General to meet and share. 
Through prayer, dialogue and common reflection, the participants will be able to explore the theme of hope and renew their commitment to lead their congregations in a world that needs Witnesses of Hope more than ever.


For more information, please write to plenary2025@uisg.org or comunicazione@uisg.org



Muchas gracias por la información. Esperamos con alegría poder encontrarnos para compartir vida, inquietudes, y anhelos de seguir caminando en esperanza. A la espera de poder hacer la inscripción.






Obrigada pelas informações e motivação, por nos ajudarem a caminhar, viver, sonhar e edificar juntas a Igreja de Cristo.


Hermana Ofelia Magaña Santoyo

Gracias por la información. Un tema muy interesante, de acuerdo al contexto que vivimos en la sociedad, la iglesia y la vida Consagrada. Seguramente será un espacio de crecimiento personal y para nuestras Congregaciones. Espero indicaciones para la inscripción. Un saludo fraterno


Sr. Teresa Tri Thuy

Thank you for the information. The theme of the assembly is very interesting. I am looking forward to more information about the assembly. God bless!



Thank you for the invitation to attend the XXIII Plenary Assembly .


Angela Kapitingana

Thank you for the the information, looking forward to receiving the registration from. Many blessings Angela - MSOLA


LaDonna Manternach, BVM

I will look forward to having more information regarding the Assembly in May 2025. It will be wonderful to come together again.


SIDA ANNA MARIA ( Suor Myriam)

Vorrei fare l'iscrizione all'Assemblea di maggio, ma non trovo dove farla. Grazie


Sr Joyce Meyer PBVM - International Global Sisters Report liaison

Hoping to register for 2025 assembly. Thanks for all you do for women religious llife. sj


Sister Sharon Fagan

Please forward registration link for the UISG Assembly in May 2025. Thank you



Gracias, por el anuncio de de la asamblea. Seguro que será, de sí mismo, un espacio de reflexión que aportará mucha luz en este tiempo de la vida consagrada. Espero el link para hacer la inscripción.


Germaine Ocansey

I would like to register for the Conference, because the experience I will gain cannot be under estimated' Mother Germaine Ocansey, HHCJ


Marie Pépyne Claudia

Merci de Di belle information, nous espérons que l’écho de cette AG , parviendra aux oreilles des toutes les religieuses , pour le marcher d’ensemble commun


Martina Phelan

I would be grateful for registration link please and any information for the Assembly in May 2025. Thank you.


Sr Luiza Cardoso Pereira

Oggi più di ieri il mondo ha bisogno di testimoni di Speranza. Un tema di grande attualità. Mi piace far parte di queste donne coraggiose e audaci... che cercano sempre di dare un nuovo significato alla vita consacrata.


María Teresa Cuervo Buitrago

Quiero participar, me parece un momento muy importante de diálogo y encuentro para buscar caminos de Reino juntas.


Emma Banda

I would like to attend the Plenary Assembly Meeting 2025. May I have the registration link.



La joie de découvrir ce nouveau thème de la vie consacrée et grande joie que cette assemblée se coïncide avec le jubilé 2025 et le 60 -ème anniversaire de l'UIG. Découvrir une nouvelle façon d'adapter notre vie religieuse face au monde.


Hna. Jenny Grisheth Hernández

Qué bello el tema para la Asamblea 2025. Primero Dios estaré presente


Maria Fernanda Cova

Excelente tema. Será certamente um encontro muito valioso. Aguardo o link para a inscrição.


H. Azucena Cisneros de España

Con mucho gusto y expectativas espero participar en la XXII Asamblea Plenaria de la UISG. Bendiciones de corazón.


Sister Sharon Pollnow

I look forward to receiving the registration for 2025.


Sr. Meera Plathottam OLP

I shall be very happy to participate in the USIG Plenary Assembly 2025


Hermana María Graciela TRIVILINO

Gracias por el profundo saludo Pascual y por el aviso de la temática y lema de la próxima asamblea. Esperaré el link de la inscripción, etc. Hna. M. Graciela Trivilino Franziskanerinnen von Bonlanden



j'aimerais partage avec vous, sur ce que le monde attend de nous.


Alicia Tasayco

Muchas gracias, me gustaría participar. Soy Superiora General de las Canonesas de la Cruz Congregación peruana


Rosmery Castañeda

Espero me envíen sus reflexiones... como preparación al encuentro de la ASAMBLEA. Esperanza que transforma


María Teresa Cuervo Buitrago

El tema me parece motivador, retante y apropiado para este momento que vivimos como Iglesia, VC y sociedad.


katia regina segateli

Obrigada a equipe da UISG, tema forte para trocarmos experiências. Um grande abraço a todas Ir Katia Regina


Sr. Beatrice Khasalamwa

Thank you very much for the invitation , I look forward to attending the XXIII Plenary Assembly, to learn and be enriched by the bueatiful theme: consecrated life. A hope that transforms. Blessings


Sister Elizabeth Sullivan

Interested in any information you can send me.


Cristina Robaina stj

Excelente propuesta del plenario. espero bibliografía preparatoria


sr Lilian Kapongo

Thanks very much for the invitation, united in prayers for the good preparation of this great synodal event of our religious Congregation in the whole world.


Hermana María Graciela TRIVILINO

Muchas gracias y felicitaciones por tan gran misión. Esperaré los datos para poder inscribirme.


Deborah Fumagalli, OSF

I am interested in attending the Plenary Assembly, please keep me informed about it. Ever grateful for your work that deepens our global sisterhood. Deborah


Sr. Sofia Gusnia Saragih, CB

Thank you for the invitation. I am looking forward to joining the Plenary Assembly.


Anne Marie Quigg

Exciting! I look forward to the meeting.


Tânia Regina Baggio

Muito obrigada pelas informações enviadas. Desde já peço que o Espirito Santo ilumine a tod@s.


Irmã Cacilda Rosa Gamboa

É um momento de graça e de esperança para a nossa vida Consagrada. A partilha das várias experiências será muito enriquecedor e servirá de estimulo para juntas em comunhão avançarmos sendo semeadoras da esperança no nosso mundo


Sr. Dr. Romana Fernandes, Psol

Last time was a wonderful experience of being togther., of journeying togther. Iam sure this time to we will have a profound experience of togtherness journeying in hope. Waiting to hear more. S


Irmã Maria das Neves Martins Franco

Uma formação continuada de excelente qualidade para o nosso serviço de animação da Vida Consagrada Religiosa


Sr 'Alisi V. NAUFAHU, soln

This would be a great opportunity for me if I will be able to attend this Plenary Meeting to learn more about UISG by being there joining the rest of the Superior Generals from all over the world and surely the preparation for this meeting will be a great assistance for me personally. I love to learn from the experienced Superiors. I haven't been to any of the UISG Meeting but I would definitely need to participate in the Plenary planned for next year, 2025.


Irmã Cleusa Aparecida Neves

Boa noite! Agradeço as informações enviadas e fico na expectativa de informaçõs sobre as Inscrições. Com certeza o encontro será um marco para a VRC, pois além de nos encontrarmos, será um tempo rico para partilha e reflexão sobre a vida consagrada a nível internacional. Fraterno abraço e desejo de um bom trabalho. Ir. Cleusa


Sr. Mansuri Kujur

Great organisation of holding entire world's women religious and growing together.


Sr Immaculée Mukabugabo Joséphine

Joie de nous rencontrer et de partager sur les raisons de notre espérance.


Vera Lucia Bezerra

Para mim esta assembleia vem como um novo sopro do espirito sobre nosso papel de liderança hoje nas nossas congregações. Como congregação internacional que enfrenta o envelhecimento e a diminuição de seus membro tenho necessidade de unir forças, partilhar e escutar experiencias novas, fortalecer o caminho da sinodalidade.


Maria Presentación Martínez

Será un momento enriquecedor para la Vida Consagrada


Sr Mary Tuck Tuck

I look forward to attending the AGM next year. Sr Mary Tuck


Diane Smyth

Thanks for the invitation. Look forward to receiving more detail re registration and programs


Sœur Chantal Mari Le Diraison

Merci pour l annonce de cette assemblée auquel je serai heureuse de participer si possible Sr ChM osm


Madre María de Fátima Vieira Diniz

quedo atenta a la información sobre la Asamblea Plenaria 2025


Sr.Emma Banda

Looking forward to attending the Plenary Assembly and learning more following the theme given.

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