

Together Beyond the Challenges: A Journey of Growth

Together Beyond the Challenges: A Journey of Growth


From May 26 to June 2, 2024, UISG held the Second Symposium of Women Religious Theologians in Nemi (Rome, Italy).

Designed as a platform for women religious theologians, the symposium aimed to nurture theological reflection on religious life by making it contextual and practical.

We asked some participants to share a personal reflection on the symposium through both video and written interviews.

Below, we present the one by Sister Marie de Lovinfosse, Congregation of Notre-Dame de Montréal.


It is from this inner listening that we also learn to listen to ourselves with a gaze that liberates, a gaze that elevates, and a gaze that opens us to what we could never have imagined.


And to do that, it is good that we recognize that we have challenges to overcome, the challenges of abuse of power, of racism, of worldliness, and it is together that we want to grow and also share our reflections, which give us life.


[...] It is about learning to accept our human dimension, our human condition, and that is precisely the richness of Jesus, who became flesh among us.

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