International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking 2024
International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking 2024
“Be confident of this, that the One Who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 1:6)
Inspired by the commitment of young people from all over the world, the theme of the 10th Edition International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking 2024 is: JOURNEYING IN DIGNITY: LISTEN, DREAM, ACT
The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking (IDPAAHT) is celebrated annually on the Feast of Saint Josephine Bakhita on 8 February, since formally observed in 2015. The primary objective of this Day is to create a greater awareness of the phenomenon of human trafficking and to reflect on the situation of violence and injustice that affects so many people’s lives. Another goal is to attempt to provide solutions to counter human trafficking by taking concrete actions.
The theme of the 10th Edition of the Day continued on from 2023 (Journeying in Dignity), chosen by an international group of young people involved in the fight against trafficking. This year, the subtitle LISTEN, DREAM, ACT is added to materialize the “Call to Action” commitment made by the international representatives of young people gathered in Rome in February 2023.
The 10th Edition has the following objectives:
- To pray together as brothers and sisters of all ages, cultures, and faithsto end human trafficking and other forms of exploitation;
- Raising awareness about human trafficking at all levels - local churches, traditions, and communities;
- Celebrating the 10th year anniversary of the Day with partners and people of goodwill;
- Closing the year dedicated to young people (2023-2024).
Angela Sambusida
Great to support Human Traffiking. God Bless our effort and your organization..
Ichife U. Monica
Human Trafficking is a dehumanising practice by some selfish people. May we be inspired through which ways to end this modern slavery
Sr Eilís Coe
Thank you for the information for 2024 St Bakhita Day
Justina Nelson
We shall overcome this evil of human trafficking through collaboration and networking. May St Bahkita continue to intercede for us.
Rosemary Arrah
I am happy to be a part
Clarisse Mangongo
Merci beaucoup pour votre partage qui nous proche de L' Église et du monde entier
Franca Tonini
Grazie infinite per la riflessione e preghiere per la Giornata mondiale di preghiera contro la Tratta di persone. Dio Benedica il vostro impegno costante!!
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