New UISG Migrants Project Manager in Sicily
New UISG Migrants Project Manager in Sicily
Sr Antonietta Papa is the new UISG Migrants Project Manager in Sicily.
Antonietta Papa is a missionary of the Daughters of Mary Missionaries’ Congregation and has lived in Brazil, an experience that has helped her to "see, observe, understand, ask and thus give" her contribution.
She says: "In mid-September, I was appointed as Project Manager and Contact Person for the UISG Migrants Project in Sicily.
As requested by the Cardinal and two Bishops of Sicily, the projects’ aim is to "be a bridge between the local population and the migrants being engaged in witnessing and raising awareness" in response to Pope Francis' request to the sisters: to leave their comfort zones and serve the people who live on the margins.
In particular, the sisters who live and carry out their mission in Lampedusa are called to live together in order to be a source of communion, witness and Proclamation.
Lampedusa is an international community where customs, traditions and languages meet, and the sisters are a living witness to the Good News for the islanders and migrants arriving from all over.
I have seen with my own eyes the life and mission of the sisters on the island: they welcome, listen, share and celebrate with the islanders and the migrants with no distinction, facilitating (to the extent possible) the exchange of values between our and their cultures, with their differences, each one bearer of meanings, experiences, customs that must meet to allow a serene and peaceful coexistence.
In particular, the sisters, through their lives and commitment, are the first who can initiate that process of women empowerment and respect for their dignity, which is a very important achievement for those arriving in our country, whether woman or man.
My heartfelt thanks go to the UISG leadership that has entrusted me with this mission and to Sister Florence who has carried on this wonderful collaboration during these difficult years. Inevitably doubts, questions and perplexities are at the order of the day, but I am confident that together, with the grace of the Spirit, we will overcome all difficulties."
Congratulazioni! Che giri la vita. Noi qui con l’italiano x gli immigrati e giovani
Valentino corvini
Antonietta nessuno meglio di me conosceci le tue capacità organizzative, ci conosciamo da 40 anni, abbiamo fatto tante cose insieme.se hai bisogno chiamami io ci sono.
Anna Maria Lionetti,RSCM
Grazie per quanto fai come direttrice del progetto migranti. Ricevo spesso dalla mia consorella che e' in comunita' in Lapedusa. Sono orgogliosa del lavoro di accoglienza che fanno le tre suore la' ed anche il loro coraggio. Grazie a voi per l'iniziativa , grazie Papa Francesco per l'idea e grazie alle 3 in Lampedusa. Le mie preghiere da New York li accompagna.
Antonietta, bellissima notizia. Complimenti vivissimi. Farai sicuramente bene.
In bocca al lupo per il tuo incarico. La chiesa cattolica romana ha scelto il meglio per questo progetto. Bacioni.
Brava Antonietta ...buon lavoro!!!
Maria da Consolação Rocha Coelho
Bom dia, obrigada pela sua disponibilidade, que Deus abençoe essa nova e sublime missão. Conte com nossa solidariedade orante. Abraço.
Obrigada pela sua entrega e confie na minha oração.Confiemos
Umberto De Matteis
Cara Antonietta, congratulazioni per il nuovo incarico. Buon lavoro
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Me parece un trabajo magnífico . El compartir el mirar al otro con la misma mirada que lo hace Jesús. Lo hermoso es compartir con otras Congregaciones , el Amor de Cristo y el dolor del mundo. Adelante !!