

New Leaders: Who are the sisters?

New Leaders: Who are the sisters?


Sr. Antonietta Papa, Superior General of the Missionary Daughters of Mary


New Leaders UISG Campaign


Who are the sisters? What do they do? How are they viewed by people? Why does someone become a sister? Why are they dressed like that?
These, I believe, are the questions that people on the street spontaneously ask when they meet a sister.

The answer is simple: a woman, a woman like all the others, but who has made a decision that may seem drastic to other women, almost as a renunciation of the world.

They have not renounced the world; they continue understanding deeply, precisely by sharing the sufferings and all the problems of the men and women around them.
They are aware that, for some of them, this proclamation will lead to condemnation; but, together with Christ, they have embraced life and want to give it.


In the 19th century, our Founder, Fr. Giacinto Bianchi, wrote: The animating spirit of the family is especially that of fraternity, which makes the heart meek and speech prudent, and the soul burning with love of one’s neighbor. Let yours be a society in which one obeys without depending, one governs without commanding.

Here, in a few lines, is described the way that Missionary Daughters of Mary have of “being leaders.”

The new leaders, therefore, announce and denounce, indicate paths, and walk together, teach and learn, stand in solidarity with the poor, with the last, with those who do not count in society, above all humbly and simply sharing the gifts received.

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