The testimony of Sr. Antonietta Papa, coordinator of the UISG Migrants Project in Sicily
The testimony of Sr. Antonietta Papa, coordinator of the UISG Migrants Project in Sicily
Through this testimony of Sr. Antonietta Papa, a missionary of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary Missionaries and Coordinator of the UISG Migrants Project in Sicily, we penetrate into the heart of the profound and complex reality that characterizes Lampedusa, Sicily, an island south of Italy.
Sister Antoinetta shares with us her recent experience with the Lampedusa inter-congregational community, giving us a particular insight into what happens at the Lampedusa pier, the arrival point for those seeking refuge and hope.
"These days I have been catching up with the inter-congregational community living and working in Lampedusa supported by the UISG Migrants in Sicily project. Recently, since my arrival, we have gone to the dock a few times. It is not easy to see men, women and children landing wet and shivering, some even injured. And to think also of all those who did not reach their destination.

It is true that with police, carabinieri, Red Cross and Mediterranean Hope supported by the Evangelical Church and other volunteers from all over Italy, a good atmosphere was created but, when migrants arrive, tension, emotion, compassion and doubt take over. One must act tenderly and quickly, giving the many who disembark a smile, simple affection and asking routine questions: where are you from? Are you alone? How long have you been on the road? Are you injured?
I am well aware that not everyone will find here what they hope for and I know the contradictions.
Some will fail to integrate, some will commit crimes, but today, after risking their lives in so many ways, they hope for a better life, and we want them to really have it. It is not pietism; it is believing in humanity and we want to do that.
The denunciation is to a world economy that creates prosperity on the one hand and poverty on the other by exploiting resources and destroying the environment, and to greed, a companion to the violence that characterizes corrupt regimes and criminal gangs, guilty of crimes we struggle to even imagine.
And this, unfortunately, is man-made.
We are here and we remain here. With our very small contribution, we try to make a difference and we hope that everyone in their own reality and with their own resources will make that difference with us."
Me Ha impresionado la situación delos migrantes. gracias a todas y todos que se arriesgan para ayudarles.
Ana María Carlevaro
Sin palabras...el infierno!
Praying for them all
Sr Linda Fwika
Merci sr Antonietta pour ce témoignage. Mes prières pour vous, pour les sœurs de la communauté et toutes personnes de bonne volonté qui s’engagent pour cet apostolat. Merci
Merci beaucoup sr Antoinette et toute l'équipe. Que Dieu vous bénisse et fortifie pour la charité et le service. Je vous accompagne avec mes humbles prières et que le Seigneur vous accorde plus de capacité de sourire que ces âmes ont besoin à votre côté. Merci beaucoup pour tout et Dieu vous bénisse. Union priante
Sr. Anna Maria Lionetti
Grazie, Sr. Antonietta per vivere a Lampedusa con Sr. Ines e l'altra consorella. Il vostro servizio e' grande nel accoglienza ed il sorriso che date.
Maria Paz Huarte
Gracias infinitas por compartir con tanto respeto este drama que a todos nos desborda. Gracias a tantos voluntarios, a las hermanas que están ahí en primera y segunda linea. El " a Mi me lo hicisteis" de Jesús resuene siempre en nuestro corazón y vida.
Corinne MARTIN
Merci pour tout le bien que vous apportez affection empathie courage ! Je prie pour eux et pour vous Amen
Ana Mari
Es para llorar de impotencia colectiva cuando no somos capaces de conseguir que toda persona tenga lo necesario para vivir en este planeta que es de todos por igual, nadie debería apropiarse un país, el mundo es de todos o conseguiremos destruirlo pronto por la violencia de unos pocos.
Uma realidade muito dura, que requer muita sensibilidade pra compreender tão grave situação. As dúvidas sobre o presente e o futuro geram um estado de insegurança psicológica inimaginável. É preciso uma ação coordenada do G20 e/ou ONU, para se debruçar sobre esse problema, em busca de uma solução definitiva.
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Enrico Caiola
Nutro speranza e gratitudine per la missione che portate avanti nel servizio ai migranti. Accogliere è il primo passo per costruire una umanità migliore. Grazie sr. Antonietta e buon cammino.