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International Conference: "Save our souls!" Psychological, Ideological and Spiritual Safeguarding

International Conference: "Save our souls!" Psychological, Ideological and Spiritual Safeguarding


Conference organized by the Centre for Safeguarding of Minors and Vulnerable Persons of the St. Paul University

In-person and online


May 13th – 17th, 2024
Ottawa, Canada


The full programme of the Conference


Abuse has many faces and occurs in public organizations as in private circles, also in families. Spiritual and psychological abuse mostly affects individuals; ideological abuse (such as racism or colonialism) and political arbitrariness may affect a whole people. These kinds of abuse leave "no visible bruises", but they are deeply destructive – in real life and online.


The organizers invite you to explore safeguarding strategies with our distinguished keynote-speakers, in paper-sessions, poster-presentation, ‘Wounded Art’ and mutual exchange on issues or solutions.



Online and in-person participant 

  • Early Price: $150
  • Fee after March 31st, 2024: $200

Scholarships are available, please contact cpcs@ustpaul.ca for more information.



English and French



Register here


For more information, please consult the website of the University of St. Paul or contact: cpcs@ustpaul.ca


Kelvin Atulegwu

My family members needs food to eat now now. No money for their school fees (seven of them). And the school is resuming on 9/9/2024. No accommodation tentage fees, as an sending this message now we have no food to eat please sirs/ mas.



I am very interested

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