Interreligious Dialogue
UISG-USG Commission for Interreligious Dialogue
We focus on Ecumenism, Christian-Jewish relations and dialogue with other faiths. We aim to encourage all General Councils to spread a “culture of dialogue” within their congregations and in their apostolic fields, providing a platform for discussion and study.
In today’s world, the place of dialogue between all people is increasingly urgent. This is clearly recognized by the Church in many significant events and documents. Following the lead given by Pope Francis, we draw the attention of religious congregations to Vatican documents, events and developments related to dialogue.
Our Commission was founded in 2002 within the Union of Superiors General (USG). After the Congress on Religious Life, held in Rome in 2004 on the theme “Passion for Christ – Passion for Humanity”, the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) also joined, appointing representatives to the Commission.
Our Commission is composed of members of both Unions. We aim at keeping alive within General Councils, issues relating to interfaith dialogue, providing a platform for discussion and study for all interested persons, and organizing initiatives to spread a culture of interreligious dialogue among religious worldwide. We also work with SEDOS (Service of Documentation and Study on Global Mission) on themes of mutual interest.
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