

Formation for Communicators

Launch of the Programme of Formation for Communicators for Religious Congregations


February 28 at 4pm (Rome time)


Multimedia International (MMI), an organization of Religious helping Religious who are responsible for communication within their congregation, is pleased to announce a program of Formation for Communicators for Religious Congregations.


During the past two years, we have received numerous requests from our membership for assistance in managing and using technology effectively particularly when Staff is new or in need of support. These requests led us to develop a formation program for congregational communicators, to enhance their role in the Communication ministry.


The formation will address significant topics such as Communicator’s Skills, Communicator’s Spirituality, Internet Security, Writing Skills, Web Design and Creating an emerging Communications Plan.


To participate the Launching of the Programe, click here


Download the Brochure of the Programme


To watch the Webinar Click here