Information du Vatican
Instrumentum Laboris for the second session of the Synod 2024
Instrumentum Laboris for the second session of the Synod 2024
The base document guiding the work of the second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly, scheduled from October 2 to 27, has been published.
This text, connected to the synodal process initiated in 2021, proposes ideas to bring the Church closer to people, promoting the participation of all baptized individuals. Among the main themes, it highlights the importance of the role of women and the need for transparency and accountability.
The document, divided into five sections, includes an introduction, the foundations, and three central parts.
The introduction reviews the journey so far, highlighting achievements such as the widespread adoption of the synodal methodology of “Conversation in the Spirit.”
The section on the foundations explores synodality as a path of conversion and reform, emphasizing that the Church must be a sign of unity, reconciliation, and listening, especially for the poor and minorities. Compared to the moon reflecting light, the Church should not be self-referential but should be based on bonds and communion for the unity of humanity, without diminishing the authority entrusted by Christ to pastors. Additionally, the text stresses the importance of fully recognizing the charisms and vocation of women in the Church. Women, equal to men by Baptism, should be seen in a perspective of relationality, interdependence, and reciprocity to serve Christ's mission.
The first part of the document (n. 22-50) examines relationships with God, among the faithful, and between Churches, essential for a synodal Church on mission. These relationships are vital in a world seeking justice, peace, and hope. Local Churches particularly emphasize the importance of authentic and dynamic relationships, proposing new ministries such as those of listening and accompaniment.
The second part (n. 51-79) highlights the importance of formative paths and communal discernment to make appropriate decisions and promote everyone's participation. It underscores the role of the family as a community of life and love, a school of synodality, where everyone has something to give and receive. Transparency and accountability are fundamental to fostering mutual trust and shared responsibility in the common mission.
The third part (n. 80-108) explores the concrete places where the relationships and paths of the Church take shape. Moving beyond a static and hierarchical vision, the document recognizes the variety and plurality of ecclesial experiences. In this context, ecumenical, interreligious, and cultural dialogue is crucial for the journey toward the visible unity of Christians.
The document concludes by inviting the Church to continue its journey as "pilgrims of hope," also looking forward to the Jubilee of 2025.
Each question contained in the text aims to serve the Church and provide an opportunity to heal the wounds of our time.
Tita Palau
Felicidades y muchas gracias
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Zenaide Ziliotto
Muy bueno y me alegro poder conocer siempre los contenidos trabajados